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This section provides an overview on MyBiZSquare general settings.


Most all settings are available on the Web as well as on the Mobile apps (iPhone and Android).

Manage Settings
Profile & Settings
Change password, Update bank account, Add or Cancel membership, Manage notification settings
  1. Password - To change the current password

  2. Bank Account Setup - (Vendors Only) - This option lets you setup a bank account to receive card payments from your buyers on the invoices. This option is also available on the "My Invoices" tab.

  3. Membership and Billing - This option lets you upgrade or cancel your membership tier. Also you can view your monthly membership bills and bill details.

  4. Notification Settings - You can turn off the emails notifications from here. However, we strongly recommend that you keep the notifications turned on.

  5. Business Units - You can create new business units or update existing business units.

Buyer Specific Setup
Buyer Specific Setups - Vendors Only

Go to the "My Buyers" tab and click on the buyer name.


From the buyer screen you can

1. Setup discounts / markups

2. Setup payment terms

3. Remove the buyer from your connections

Setup buyer markup or discount, Setup payment terms

To not display your products to a specific buyer without removing them from your connections, go to the "My Buyers" tab and toggle the "Show Products" flag. This will still keep the buyer in your contacts but they will no longer be able to see your products and place orders.

Show or Hide products from buyers

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to MyBiZSquare Support.

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