Business Units
This section provides an overview on business units including why you may want to create business units.
All business unit related functionalities are available on the Web as well as on the Mobile apps (iPhone and Android).
If you haven't already, it is highly recommended that you review MyBiZSquare Basics prior to reading this article.

What are Business Units?
A business unit is a unit of your business under which you may want to see your orders, invoices and inventory organized.
For e.g. if you are a distributor and have three warehouses from where you fulfil orders, you can create three business units to manage them separately. Same is the case if you are a buyer and have multiple restaurants.
Another e.g. is if you buy and sell through MyBiZSquare, you can create multiple business units to keep your purchases separate from your sales.
Creating and Maintaining Business Units
Every business needs at least one business unit setup. You would have automatically set this up as part of your registration/signup process.
A new business unit can created from the banner or from the profile page as shown below. The banner always shows which business unit are you currently using and you can switch to another business using the dropdown. Existing business units can be edited from the profile page.

Connecting with Other Businesses
Please refer to the "Connecting Businesses" knowledge base to learn more on business connections.
When you send an invitation from a business unit to connect with a business partner or receive an invitation from them, it is just for the that business unit. If you have multiple business units configured in MyBiZSquare the other units will not see this connection by default.
For e.g. Let's say you have 3 restaurants and have 3 business units configured in MyBiZSquare. You send an invitation to a vendor to connect with you from Restaurant #1. Once they accept the request you can only purchase goods from them for Restaurant #1. If the same vendor provides goods for Restaurant #3 you will need to send an invitation from Restaurant #3 as well.
This functionality is designed so that you can keep your business units independent of each other.
If there are any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to MyBiZSquare Support.