This section provides an overview of our Order Management process for both sellers (vendors) and buyers.
All the functionalities in Order Management are available on the Web as well as on the Mobile apps (iPhone and Android).
If you haven't already, it is highly recommended that you review MyBiZSquare Basics prior to reading this article.

Order Management
Order Management Process Flow

Buyer - Placing an Order
As a buyer you can place an order from the "My Marketplace" tab. "Frequently Ordered" tab will show you the items that you order most frequently for a quicker shopping experience.

You can add products from multiple vendors to your cart at the same time. When you place the order MyBiZSquare will split the order and send to the corresponding vendors. Orders that you have placed will be visible under the "My Orders" tab.
Vendor - Receiving an Order
Once your buyers place their orders you will receive them under the "My Orders" tab. If the email notifications are turned on from the "Profile" section (Notifications are turned on by default) you will also receive an email when a new order arrives.
Before accepting the order you can update the order quantity ("Qty that can be delivered"), if you are unable to fulfil the whole order as such. Also, you can set the delivery date while accepting the order, which can be changed later as needed. As you set or update the delivery date your buyers will be able to see it in real-time.

Vendor - Updating Shipments
After you accept an order it is ready for shipment. MyBiZSquare allows you to partially ship an order if you are unable to fulfil the entire order at once. You can update the products that you are shipping and save the order, which will change the order status to "Partially Shipped" allowing you to make additional shipping updates later.
Once an order is partially or fully shipped an invoice will be auto-generated for the shipped items and will be available under the "My Invoices" tab (Invoice Management)

Vendor - Closing out an Order
You may want to close out an order for many reasons, such as, you are unable to fulfil the order, or it is a duplicate order accidentally placed by the buyer, or you have partially fulfilled the order and the buyer does not want the remaining order etc.
Regardless of the reason, if you would like to closeout the order use the "Mark The Order As Closed" option. This will not generate an invoice for the open items on the order and just closes down the order.

For any updates that the Vendor makes, the Buyer will see the change on their system, real-time.
Please refer to the Invoice Management section to learn more about managing your invoices and payments.
If there are any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to MyBiZSquare Support.